Saturday, September 1, 2007

Preparation for My Excursion

In two weeks, I will embark on the adventure of my life. Get your African maps ready. I am going to an eight day outreach in Lilongwe, Malawi. I will be part of eight or more Gospel presentations a day as I work alongside Africans from all over the continent. After this, I may or may not connect with a pastor in Lilongwe whose number I was given by a pastor here in South Africa. When all this is done, I will take a bus over to Lusaka, Zambia to explore and meet up with another pastor whose name I was given. I don't really know what else I will do there, but I'm sure it will be great. Then, I will head down to Livingstone to see the David Livingstone museum and Victoria Falls. After that, I will travel down through Botswana. I met a man from Botswana last week who said that they have a program where I could stay a couple nights with a Tswana family and eat their food and explore their culture. This whole excursion should be roughly three weeks. A two week rest back in South Africa will preceed a week-long trip to Lesotho with a guided tour from my friend is is a diplomat of that country. I am VERY excited! Please pray for me.


Anonymous said...

I am very excited for you too baby!!! Of course you'll be great all of what you are doing is in God's plan.
I am praying for you always.
I love you and I am waiting for you.

Your Love,
Yerling B.

Anonymous said...

Hey Eric, I'm glad about your trip. I am very happy to see that the loonger you are tehre, the more u love that culture. That's a real missionary!!!
We pray for you and wish you the best.
God bless.

Rebeca C.