Friday, August 17, 2007

More Fruit

God is very good! Our church is starting to step into the goodness of who He is. On Sunday mornings, we give time for people to give testimonies. This past Sunday two people testified to their physical healings. One lady has had asthma all her life and was freed last week. Another church member had pain in his back which was healed. A couple people in our church have had visions while we are worshiping in the presence of God. In His presence, wonders happen.
From Monday to Wednesday morning, five of us went on a roadtrip. Felito and his wife, Anna, needed to go to Mozambique to renew their visas. The next day we spent driving around in Kruger National Park seeing the wild animals of Africa. That night we stayed in Nelspruit at the house of some Christians we met while we were there. The most exciting part is that we never found a place to stay on any night before 8pm. Staying with the Christians was wonderful and I will go back to visit them for a week soon. How amazing that God knew where we would stay each night and ordered our steps to find the places. Amen!


Anonymous said...

Hey Eric, I'm glad to hear that the church is growing!!! That's is wonderful! Also, the testimonies are great since they encourage others to get closer to God!
Keep doing the job!!!
God bless you,
Rebeca Cavalieri.

Anonymous said...

Gloria a Dios mi amor. Y cosas mayores que esas veras...

Te amo!!!!
Dios te bendiga,
Tu amor