Thursday, November 22, 2007

"It is finished!"

As I end this chapter of my life I want to thank all who were a part of it and prayed me through. I consider this journey to be my rite of passage and I return to America a man. I step away from what is behind and I turn my attention to what is ahead. For the time being, I say good-bye to Africa and hello to my destiny. I will return to school in January and graduate in May. So, in the words of faith sung by Andrew Peterson, "Sarah take me by my arm, tomorrow I am Canaan bound". The Promised Land and a new life are layed out in front of me. With God as my guide, I seek to keep stride with His will and become what was written of me before the dawn of time. God bless you and may God take you on an adventure of faith like He has taken me.

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